How do I quote the study guide in assessments?

You may quote excerpts from the study guide, using the following formatting as a guide:

For the in-text (within the body of your report) reference : (Fripp, 2023)

For the bibliography/reference list (at the end of the report)

  • In Harvard referencing style

Fripp, G., 2023. [Online]

Available at: www.marketingstudyguide.com

[Accessed INSERT DATE].

  • In APA referencing style

Fripp, G. (2023). Retrieved INSERT DATE, from the Marketing Study Guide: www.marketingstudyguide.com

Can I copy/paste the diagrams?

Yes, the diagrams are easy to copy and paste and use in your assessments. But remember to reference them appropriately and provide adequate discussion and analysis in your tasks. The information contained in this study guide is designed to be a supporting tool for you, not the end product.

How reliable is the information provided?

The information on the segmentation study guide is designed to assist university-level marketing students and early-career marketing managers to better understand the various concepts relating to the field of marketing.

This information has been presented through the Marketing Study Guide is quite reliable. However, please keep in mind that different university textbooks may use different terminology and structures from time-to-time and it is important to take that into account when preparing for exams and other assessment tasks.

What else do I need to know?

Please review:

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