Sample SWOT for an Airline

Possible Ideas for an Airlines SWOT

Airline face many challenges in today’s marketing environment. In particular, their costs are variable due to oil and staff conditions in different countries. International travel is impacted by economic conditions, seasonality, and safety concerns in destinations.

Obviously, airlines are high cost operators, given the cost of planes, maintenance, airport fees, and of course staff. They also challenged by the shift from purchases by travel agents to online comparison sites, making a price decision more important to the consumer in many cases.

Here are some possible ideas that could feed into an SWOT for an airline.

Strengths for an Airline

Well regarded in the industry
Established strategic alliances
Lots of social media likes/followers
High ratings on review websites
Strong international brand
Positive attitudes to the brand
Clear positioning
Strong relationships with influencers
Operating in growing markets
Good local market knowledge
Clearly defined and successful strategy
Strong share-of-customer
Good understanding of the customer journey
Effective CRM program
Attracting many new customers
Good corporate culture
Solid financial reserves
Beneficial economies of scale
High service levels
Access to a customer database

Weaknesses for an Airline

Strong existing competitors
Significant price-based competition
Cost disadvantage
Poorly regarded in the industry
Poor/no outsourcing partnerships
Poor social media engagement
Poor ratings on review websites
Perceived as a me-too player
Many negative attitudes to the brand
Operating in markets with fluctuating prices
Cannot access emerging market segments
No distinct product features
Reducing customer lifetime values
No structured CRM program
Low levels of customer satisfaction
High level of customer turnover
Poor service levels
Tight profit margins
High cost structure
Poor service levels

Opportunities for an Airline

Promote an “environmentally-aware” corporate image
Introduce new, modern technology and/or systems
Government de/regulation
Work closer with key channel partners
Expand our use of social media platforms
Position our brand as the market leader
Increase our corporate social responsibility image
Build our brand internationally
Build relationships with influencers
Broaden our geographic reach
Add increased product augmentation
Improve offering to increase net promoter scores
Develop and implement a loyalty program
Develop and implement a CRM program
Attract new customers through special offers
Work to generate cost efficiencies
Develop a customer relationship culture
Leverage our big data
Create appropriate outsourcing partnerships

Threats for an Airline

Declining economic conditions
Foreign exchange risk
Oil/energy costs
Terrorism and impact
Competitors providing more “value add”
Being under-priced by more efficient competitors
Increase in supplier costs
Poor brand fit to international markets
Negative attitudes to the brand
Poor ratings on review websites
Key competitors gaining market share
Expensive CRM program
Weakening customer relationships
Consumers becoming more price sensitive
Rising fixed costs
High debt levels reducing profit potential
Poor service culture

Summary SWOT Ideas for an Airline

SWOT analysis for an Airline

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