Free Excel Template of the BCG Matrix

Download the Free Excel template for the BCG Matrix

The BCG Matrix was developed many years ago to help large corporations make investment decisions in regards to their business portfolios and brands. It is a concept that is included in many modern-day marketing and strategy textbooks.

The Marketing Study Guide offers a free BCG Matrix Excel template that is very quick and easy to use, even if you don’t normally use Excel.

Please click here to download the free BCG_matrix_Excel_template_50_brands-2021-v2

Please scroll down for more information on the template, or review the simple instructions on how to use the BCG Matrix spreadsheet.

About the BCG Matrix Excel template

This template is designed for you to create a BCG Matrix within minutes using Excel. The template will provide both a color version and a black and white version, depending upon your needs, as shown below. Please note that you can add up to 50 portfolio/brands on to your own matrix.

bcg matrix formats

Two Variations of the BCG Matrix

There are two tabs in the free Excel template to make the BCG matrix.

The first tab is suitable when you have relatively precise information on market shares and market growth rates and want to input these numbers.

And the second tab is suitable when you don’t have the exact market share or market growth information, but you have a good idea of how you want the BCG matrix to look.

Examples of each BCG matrix Excel template Tab

Version 1 = The BCG Matrix with Market Shares

bcg with market shares


In this tab, the BCG matrix template requires the input of market share information, market growth rates, and even an estimated size of the portfolio. This version of the BCG matrix is shown here.

As you can see, the actual market growth rates and relatives of market shares as shown on a scale basis – and the size of the circles reflect the revenues of each of these products.

Version 2 = The BCG Matrix Without Market Shares

bcg no market shares

As you can see in this second tab, there are no axes provided with numbers.

This template is suitable to use when you have a good idea of how to design your BCG matrix, but you don’t have exact information on market shares of growth rates – and this template allows you to simply design the BCG matrix to your needs.

Easy Step by Step Instructions to Follow

The template is structured using an easy step-by-step approach, where you simply need to enter your data and the matrix is produced automatically.

How-to-Use the BCG Matrix Excel Template Video

Related Topics

Benefits of the BCG Matrix

BCG matrix formulas and calculations

Check out the YouTube video of how to construct the BCG matrix on Excel from a blank worksheet.


If you have any questions regarding the free Excel template for the BCG Matrix, please contact me at [email protected]

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