SWOT Analysis Ideas for Kellogg’s Cereals

A sample SWOT analysis for Kellogg’s cereals

Kellogg’s is a major player in the breakfast food market sector and is one of the most sophisticated operators within the fast-moving consumer goods industry.

However, they are facing interesting challenges of a declining market place as consumers become more time-poor, more health-focused, are eating out more, and have more the choices than ever before.

Here are some SWOT ideas for Kellogg’s cereals.

Strengths for Kellogg’s

Strong supplier relationships
Strong retailer relationships
Strong brand equity
Strong brand consistency
Highly effective sales team
Analytical marketing approach
Product leadership
Clearly differentiated products
Broad product range
High level of customer loyalty
Clear value proposition
Clear segments targeted effectively
Effective sales and service culture
Stable cash flows
Strong technical expertise
High marketing effectiveness
Efficient logistics system
Effective use of marketplace data
Effective new product development process
Good identifier of market insights

weaknesses for Kellogg’s

Strong existing competitors
Significant price-based competition
Many substitute competitive products
Broad competitive set
Significant channel conflict
Operating In declining markets
Unsuccessful product line extensions
Targeting price elastic markets
Reducing customer lifetime values
Not meeting changing consumer needs
Silo-based culture
Slow to change and adapt

Opportunities for Kellogg’s

Shift to online shopping
Demand for home delivery services
Use channel relationships to defer new competitors
Acquire key competitors
Expand our number of channels
Pursue co-branding opportunities
Develop a new brand
Acquire a competitor’s successful brand
Supply private label brands for key retailers
Reposition weaker products
Extend our brand into new areas (brand extension)
Broaden  our product range to target new segments
Broaden  our product range to offer multiple price points
Add more product line extensions
Add increased product augmentation
Target niche markets
Increase customer loyalty
Use cross-functional teams to develop new products
Leverage our superior logistics system
Leverage our big data

Threats for Kellogg’s

Health concerns
Shift to online shopping
Increase in commodity prices
Home delivery competitors
New international competitors emerging
Competitors targeting our product gaps
Weakening retailer relationships
Retailers not accepting our product line extensions
Weakening brand equity
Increased market fragmentation
Inability to grow the customer base long-term
Products becoming outdated
Possible new product failures
New products cannibalizing our existing sales
Decline stage of the product life cycle
Declining share-of-customer
Consumers not buying product line extensions
A disconnected, and less loyal, customer base
Our business model becoming outdated
Being too slow to adapt to change

SWOT analysis summary for Kellogg’s

SWOT analysis for Kellogg's Cereal

About Kellogg’s

We are a company of promise and possibilities. Each day represents a fresh opportunity to share Our Vision, live Our Purpose.

By being mindful and committed to these ideals, we uphold our founder’s dedication to people and their well-being. And we promote an environment where we can push beyond boundaries and across borders to create foods and brands that help to fuel the best in everyone everywhere.

Source: Kellogg’s Purpose

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